FUMC Pflugerville Website

The primary goal and focus of our website is to assist those looking for a church in Pflugerville find us.  Research has shown that 75% to 90% of potential church visitors will check out a church's website before they visit the church. Therefore it is critical that our website help reduce anxiety for first time visitors and answer as many questions as we can.  A secondary goals is to provide information about what is happening at Pflugerville UMC.  Our website should be first place our membership consults when they want to know what is going on.

This page, "https://pflugervilleumc.org/webteam" will not be linked to the main website and can only be reached by entering the URL.  The intent of the webteam page is to provide a space to document development ideas and tasks.  The first page I added is a space for a ToDo LIst.  I anticipate this will be a space for open communications on needed tasks and corrections.

Website Guidelines

  • Reference to the church is Pflugerville UMC, while the official name is FUMC Pflugerville, Pflugerville UMC is a little less structured and / or formal.

  • The "Home" page is intended for up coming events and not intended as link to other pages in the website.

  • Special announcements or attention. The are three (3) means to direct attention to upcoming events that merit special notice. The first if the use of the "Home" page. The second is the use of the Sidebar and the third is the Announcement Bar at the top of the website. All three are time sensitive and if active past their event date will obsolete the site and should be removed after the event date. A fourth possible announcement option is the banner on the Home page. I suggest we reserve this until I have a chance to review our communications strategy with Pastor Russell.

  • Calendars: Two calendars are available, Church Community Calendar (https://pfumc.ccbchurch.com/w_calendar.php) or Major Events Calendar. The CCB calendar is the master church calendar and the responsibility of the church administer. The Major Events Calendar is populated via the "Events" page. The "Upcomming Event" button in the side bar is a link to the Event page.

  • Pastor Russell is posting his sermons at https://pflugervilleumc.org/russell. The URL for the page is https://pflugervilleumc/sermons. At this time he is responsible for posting.

  • Website Style Editor: Do not change. https://pflugervilleumc.squarespace.com/config/design/style

  • New pages: Develop as NOT LINKED. Team will review and decide when and where to link.

  • Home Page: Use Home Page Stuff folder for supporting documents. This will allow deletion in the future without orphan links.

Website ToDo List

Website Team Members

  • Roxie Greenway, Roxie@pflugervilleumc.org, 512-785-3012

  • Derrick Quellette, derrick@pflugervilleumc.org, 210-744-6850

  • Stephanie Katauskas, stephanie@pflugervilleumc.org, 815-351-1186

  • Denise Cornelius, Denise@pflugervilleumc.org, 512-251-2575

  • Donn German, donngerman@att.net, 512-989-8040

  • Joe Johnson, Joe@PineDragons.com, 512-300-1893

  • Russell Floyd; pastor@pflugervilleumc.org, 214-502-5117

  • Jack Foreman, jcf@pflugervilleumc.org, 512-632-1005

  • Pat Klentzman, patklentzman@gmail.com, 801-891-3014

  • Patrick Roser, patrick.roser@gmail.com , 315-749-3192

  • Allison Strupeck, soyallison@gmail.com, 512-354-5772

Home Page Extension Test

Pastor Russell offered some input on the Home Page. See below.

"Shorten up the home page with current and church wide news. All offerings on home page need to have a live link to another page for further detail. A shorter home page will not make visitors have to scroll down too far to find what they are looking for on the site. (i.e.: FUMC, Georgetown https://www.fumcgt.org; or FUMC, Round Rock: http://fumc-rr.org;)"

While I agree I have not found an easy way to add detail without creating another page with all the associated overhead.  That is one of the reasons I like Home Page graphics with "readable" text.  Our current Home Page has to examples, one that works and one that, in opinion does not.  The Financial University text is too small to read while the New Parenting seems to convey the important information.  As an experiment, I created an approximate 4x6 card in Word with church Logo, text and graphic as an example.  The problem with this approach are the number of steps; create the Word document, save to PDF, Upload to the website and then link. Another alternative is to add new Home Page items at the top of the list and be mindful about delegating old information. I reviewed the two sites referenced and they appear to be links to the menu bar as opposed to "what is happening".


Major Tasks

  1. Calendar Support: Initially thinking was Denise would be able to support but learning website and manager her existing task is a little too much.

    1. Newsletter

    2. Major events calendar

    3. Upcoming Events

    4. Home Page

    5. Sidebars

  2. Youth Activities

    1. Current website has nothing

  3. Integration & research

    1. Facebook, twitter etc

    2. Photo editors

    3. Online image storage. We have a 10 license Box subscription for the Website Team.

    4. YouTube

  4. New Projects

    1. Pf UMC Tomorrow Initiative?

    2. ToDoList